Monday, June 11, 2012

Empyrean Beer Quest info posted

From the Empyrean email:

After some extended discussions about our next event we have the details nailed down.  Registration forms will be posted this Wednesday 6/13 at noon on our webpage at:
Registrations are be due this Friday 6/15
Finished Beers will be due: 8/8/12
Public Event is: 8/19/12
Some details for you to consider between now and then – this comp will require you to use sugar and one of three Belgian yeasts.  We will supply the sugar but cannot supply the yeast.
Beer Quest Give Me Some Sugar:
Base Malts offered = 2-Row & Pilsner
Specialty Malts offered = Special Roast, Honey Malt, Caramel 60, Caramel 120
Hops offered = Willamette, Tettnang, Perle, Golding
Sugar offered = 2lbs of cane sugar (Sugar has to be used, can be 5% - 20% of fermentables)
YEAST RESTRICTION = only 3 yeasts, Westmalle (WLP530), Chimay (WLP500) and Duvel (WLP570) – Wyeast variants are also ok to use.
There are no restrictions on using other malts or hops, these above are just what we’re offering free.
We highly recommend converting your sugar to invert sugar for the best results in your beer and to add a badge to your home-brewing knowledge belt.  Good info on that here:

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