Monday, July 2, 2012

Great Nebraska Beer Fest 2012 is LOADED!!

It is getting that time of year again and this festival has just been getting better and better every year and could be the can't miss festival in Nebraska this year.  Why do I say that you ask?  Well, look at this brewery list.

I believe they are up to some 72 breweries and many, many from outside our state that don't distribute here.  Here are just a few examples, Stone, Heretic, Cigar City, Firestone Walker, Avery, Crooked Stave, Funkwerks, Freestate, and Maui Brewing Co. just to name a few.  That is not to make light of the already great lineup of great breweries we can get here already.  You will not be short on great beer is what I am getting at. 

Here are the details and be sure to hit the website too.

What's Happening!

Friday August 24th 
4 to 6pm.  Breweries beer drop off
7 pm   Brewers Reception, Nebraska Brewing Company Patio.
            Beer aplenty & food 
Saturday August 25th 
10 am  Brewers / Volunteers Brunch Nebraska Brewing Company
11 am to Noon  Brewery setup, Dick’s Sporting Goods Parking Lot
Noon to 1pm  VIP,  Brewers & Volunteers Special Session
1 pm   Beerfest Open to General Public
             Food Vendors Open
             Opening Music, Omaha Pipes and Drums
1:30 pm   Seminar Tent -  Beer Travel with
2:30 pm   Seminar Tent -
3:30 pm   Seminar Tent -
4:30 pm   Seminar Tent -
6 PM   Final Pour, Beer Fest 

VIP Ticket Info:

VIP tickets will provide you with everything the GA tickets get but with the huge difference of getting into the beer fest 1 hour prior to the crowds. Doesn't sound like that big a deal? Well, consider your favorite brewery buried 40 people deep in a line that is consuming the most highly prized beers. Sure, you'll get up there at some point but while you're waiting in that one line - the lines for the other breweries are wiping out your targets. And... your favorite brewery won't be answering questions from the 40 others swarming their booth. Probably a small price to pay for the beer geek... 

Get your tickets here

I will repeat, you won't want to miss this festival!

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