Tuesday, December 11, 2007

Happenings at Beer Corner USA

I just received an email from Bill at the best corner in the US. He had some really exciting news to pass along so I am going to list it here and also in the calendar.

- Extreme Beer Fest - February 23rd (hint: this is also my birthday if you want to get me more gifts) Nearly 60 beers to sample, all beers above 7%, free tasting glass and 4 hours to drink. Advance tickets $23, day of the event $26.

- 3rd Annual Bock Fest - March 8th

- Boulevard Smokestack Series arrives at Beertopia Feb. 1st

- Boulevard will also release a draft only Maibock that will be on tap during their Bock Fest Mar. 8th

Well that is all I got for now from them but he has assured me that, while this is all kick ass news for the beer scene in Nebraska, it is only going to get better. I know I am looking forward to the Boulevard release and the two festivals. I hope I at least get to attend one of them. If you get to go be sure to report back. Thanks Bill for this info and improving the beer culture every day.

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