Wednesday, August 29, 2007

Thunderhead Brewing

Thanks for the invite!

We now own a new logo and some beer branding art. You ca see it at
The wet hop version of my IPA will be up this Friday 8/31
The smoked bock from Modern Monks will go on tap in early Sept.
Grand Crü will be up near the end of Oct.

Trevor Schaben
Thunderhead Brewing


Nate B. said...

Trevor, saw your logos at the State Fair, those are pretty sweet. Thanks for the posting and we look forward to further updates on the beer scene in Kearney.

CJ said...


Glad to hear from ya!!!! I'm looking forward to tasting the wet hop beer, and ofcourse the MM Smoked Bock

Segnid said...

Hey guys,

I visited the Chicken Coup in GI a week or two ago. I dig the space a lot. I had the Rye IPA, which may be the first Rye IPA I've had that I liked!

Anyway, when are we going to get some brewing going on there? I just viewed the brewing area from my seat...but I don't think its being used, is it?

If not, is it usable?


CJ said...

I believe that Trevor is not using the brewery at this point. He did mention that it was a very inefficient brewery as the fermentation tanks have no insulation. I for one would like to do a little DIY down there and get the tanks insulated properly even if it makes them ugly. Then the Monks could probably use the Chicken Coup for brews if Trevor is cool with it. The problem that still remains is lack of population, or patrons and having to ship beer to Lincoln.

It would be fun to sit down with Trevor and see how feasible it would be to operate the CC in GI.

Trevor....any thoughts???

Thunderhead said...

You guys are smart. That is a great idea. I mostly view that location as 'inefficient' from a labor/barrel perspective. If you guys from MM want to do some stuff there, I am sure we can work something out.

Segnid said...

It did like some pretty small vessels sitting there...but it can't hurt to give it a shot can it?


Thunderhead said...

They are 7 bbl fermenters with a 10 bbl kettle and mash tun. The kettle is a little underpowered for 10+bbls, but boils well for 7bbls.

Nate B. said...

I think 7bbl is probably plenty. ;-)

All i know is that I better be able to get a keg of that stuff at cost if you do this Chris. ;-)

Segnid said...

I'm not sure what I was looking at then, because the seemed a lot smaller than 7bbl to me...but I wasn't too very close attention...7bbl for a modern monks run seems about perfect...keep supply low and demand high!


CJ said...


Ok, so I guess we need to sit down and run the numbers segnid!!! It seem you and I are willing to run numbers a lot. At the tasting last night we seemed to be the only two drinkers completely absorbed by the beers on hand and we both seemed to naturally fall into light hearted, but serious debates about beer, brewing and such.

Let's run the numbers some time together over a pint or two. Then we could present the ideas to Trevor.

Segnid said...

I'm up for it...sometime after I get back from my trip, late Sept? Work is going to be pretty busy until we get all the holiday beers into the country and out to our wholesalers, so its tough to say how much time I might have to do a brew session...but let's work on it.

Maybe I'll get some fresh or useful insights from some of the European brewers that we can use.

I'm still recovering from last night. I stayed way too long, and had to walk me bike home! That was rough...


Thunderhead said...

I did some figuring. I think the numbers will look good to you.

CJ said...


Thanks!!!! Let me get with all the Monks over the next month or two and see if we can come up with a few ideas and plans to present to you!! I think our intentions in this endeavor would be to produce some great beer and help to boost the overall sales of Thunderhead at the same time.

Thunderhead said...

Sounds good. I look forward to seeing what we can do.
