Tuesday, October 2, 2007

Blog's direction

I feel this blog is facing an identity crisis already, I know, only a month in, but I also may be crazy. I originally started this blog with the intent of promoting all things Nebraska Beer. That is still my intent, but through discussions with some of you, discussions with others and reading other beer blogs, this may not be the right way to take this.

My original idea was to get Nebraska Beer and all things in that same regard out there to the world because there was no current avenue for it, other than beer rating sites. I thought the way to do that was to be positive and informative. I had a few early detractors that felt honest opinions and reviews of the Nebraska products were necessary. I didn't want negativity on the site, I am inherently a glass half full guy. Well, I am confused now, I am not sure that being consistently positive is good for this site or, more importantly, good for the beer in this state.

I plan to have discussions with a few Nebraska Brewers at GABF and I will discuss with them what they want out of this site, what they will be comfortable with and express my concerns with what is the most effective way to promote beer in this state. Mainly, is constructive criticism going to be as beneficial, or more so, as flowery, glowing reviews and blatant promotion of these breweries. I think it could be argued that even bad publicity is good publicity and getting an honest review from someone that visits their establishment regularly or buys their beer regularly would be beneficial to them so that they could improve.

So I put it to you my loyal readers and contributors, what direction do you want this site to go?

In all honesty, this was spawned by a recent post in the Brookston Beer Bulletin with regards to beer bloggers getting asked to review Stella Artois's new website and the way different bloggers handled that. He has a great article over there on this beer blog identity crisis that exists and what directions or paths bloggers choose to take. Check it out and post your comments here on what you think we should do. This is your site and the reason it exists.


CJ said...


Serious reviews of Nebraska beers is ok, as long as the reviewer understands that blantant bashing of a product is NOT ok.

There are beers produced with in the boundries of this state that I don't care to drink. There are also beers produced with in this state that I think are top notch and derserve the credit they can get from this site.

Some local Professional Brewers may not care to have as much stake in this website as others because frankly, their clientle are not usually the type to be frequenting a board such as this IMHO. I could be wrong on that last line I just typed, but that is my view point of the market. Overall, Nebraskans are beer ignorant. I'm not calling Nebraskans stupid. Most any Nebraskan could go into a steak house in any other state in the country and tell you if the rib eye is good or not. But all in all, most Nebraksans don't know piss about good beer.

So, if this website can inform and educate some people while doing it in a critical and honest format. Then I am all up for it.

Be ware of any possible backlash in critical reviews, but don't be afraid to post such reviews!!!!

Peace out

Anonymous said...

I say go with a combination of information and opinion. Reviews are part of the information process, and I think it is understood that the review can be the opinion of one contributor without compromising the integrity of the site. Offer those with dissenting opinions a voice as well, and I think it'll all play out fine.

Nate B. said...

"So, if this website can inform and educate some people while doing it in a critical and honest format. Then I am all up for it."

This is my thought exactly, well put.

"Beware of any possible backlash in critical reviews, but don't be afraid to post such reviews!!!!"

This is my concern as well, I do this for fun, I don't want it to become something that makes me mad or others mad. I guess you can't please everyone though.

I agree Nebraskans are beer beginners and most could care less and will continue to. I am not concerned about them, I am more concerned about the starting out beer geeks and even the true beer geeks. Those are the market for this blog. I see where you are going with this.

If we can provide critical, honest and fair feedback on beers, establishments, etc. in a way that educates the up and coming beer geeks and beer geeks a like we might be onto something.

Hmmm, got me thinking, don't do that...

CJ said...


You don't need me to tell you how to run this blog. I simply offer my ideas and opinions at times by being a contributor.

That fact of the matter is that there will come a time if this site continues to grow and last where you will be forced to call a spade a spade!! If the brewer, or bar does not like the fair, but critical review of their product or establishment then they may not be living in reality.

We all have room for improvment. I expect honest and critical reviews from you when I send you my homebrews!! I wouldn't send you my homebrews if I just wanted you to blow a nice cool wind up my skirt!!! And I would expect no less from you when you are judging any professional creations of mine or anyone else in Nebraska for that matter.

Here is another old one for you to sum it all up.

If you are going to talk the talk, you had better be willing to walk the walk.

Peace out

Paul said...

Nate - my opinion is that we create our beers for public enjoyment and an open review of the various perceptions of our product by these same people is an excellent way to communicate.
I believe that an open dialogue is healthy and will give us insight into things we either hadn't picked up on or possibly hadn't yet considered.
Education is a 2 way street - while we hope to better educate the public and expand their tastes in craft beer, we also benefit tremendously from their input.
Proper management of the blog can result in an environment that is critical without being damaging and positive without becoming biased.
Personally, I welcome the communication and believe we'll develop a strong advocacy for Nebraska beers in the process.


Nate B. said...

Well put Paul and thanks for your contribution. I will keep this in mind and anyone that contributes to the site should too...

"Proper management of the blog can result in an environment that is critical without being damaging and positive without becoming biased."

Great stuff. Thanks!!

Nimz said...
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Nimz said...

Craft. Art.

Is crafting beer a form of art? I would say so.

An artist should be able to take some criticism. Otherwise they have no business being artists.

Critics should not get personal about it.

Critics should keep the criticism honest and backed-up with facts.

There's a huge difference between honest criticism and bashing a product. (as cj mentioned in comment 1)

There is this phrase "constructive criticism" so I feel that as long as the criticism is constructive we should have it. Besides, it will encourage good discussions, re-evaluations, etc.

Kathy said...

I'd love to see it as a mix of the serious and flippant, the beer reviews and event hype, opinion and factual info. In my opinion, that mix keeps folks coming back.

Anonymous said...

You might look to other more established regional beer blogs like MNbeer.com for direction. That site treads a tightrope without falling into the traps of fawning fandom on one hand and outright negativity on the other.

Nate B. said...

Thanks guys, this is great. I like the look of that MNbeer site too. I will look it over for direction. At first glance it looks very similar to what we have done so far. Thanks and welcome!