Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Nebraska getting in on the banning fun

In a move that I find a little ridiculous, Nebraska has now banned Energy based alcohol drinks like Four Loko.  If I am not mistaken the FDA already said that they were banned several weeks ago.  Good job Nebraska, better late then never I guess.

The Nebraska Liquor Commission has voted to ban energy drinks that contain alcohol.
The drinks, such as Four Loko and Joose, must be out of stores within seven days, according to the commission's order.Critics called the drinks "blackout in a can," and they said the drinks' fruity flavors targeted teens.

This has been hashed over and over on beer blogs across the country and even on here.  Bottomline, banning the drink does nothing.  When we will learn?  Education is the answer to problems like these.  Other people have waxed on poetically about this and that is not something I am capable of doing so I will pass.  Are these drinks high in alcohol and have some caffiene in them?  Yep, do they have as much alcohol in them as a bottle of wine, nope.  Could kids go out and chugg a bottle of wine and drink a cup of coffee and get just as drunk or worst?  YEP!!!  So lets ban wine and coffee, because obviously we can't control ourselves enough to say when or teach our kids well enough so they understand the dangers of too much of something.  Maybe we should ban food too because there are a lot of people eating too much and causing themselves health problems.

Take responsibility people!

Have a nice evening.  You can catch me on Getting Tanked with Frank tonight!!  I am sure I will go out and find the last cans of Four Loko in the Broken Bow metroplex and get my crunk on or whatever the kids say.

1 comment:

Paris Cunningham said...

Nate, at least they made the exception for beer such as Trevor's expresso stout or that would have been banned as well. You're right my pet peeve is that people no longer take responsibility for their own actions....