Monday, October 17, 2011

Blind Beer Tasting and Dinner (Stony Brook Hy-Vee)

When: Thu, Oct 20 from 7:00 to 9:00 p.m.
Where: Stony Brook Hy-Vee, 14591 Stony Brook Boulevard, Omaha

From their email…


Are you looking for a challenge?

We are challenging you to a blind tasting with your Hy-Vee Wine and Spirits.  Come sample 20 varieties of domestic beer and see how many you can guess right.

Our beer specialists, KJ and Richard will be there to guide you and hand out prizes to the top tasters but just to warn you, it won’t be as easy as you might think.

As always, Chef Dirk will be preparing a delicious dinner including meatloaf, mashed potatoes, corn and apple pie.

Do you think you’re up for it?


Tom said...

Thought I'd take a stab at what might be served...
The big 3 Lights
Bud light
Miller Lite
Coors light

Miller Chill
Bud light lime
Bud Select
Miller Genuine Draft 64

Dad's Beer
Grain Belt Premium
Miller Genuine Draft
Miller High Life

College Beer
Old Milwaukee
Old Milwaukee light
Natural Light
Keystone Light
Busch light

Anonymous said...

I assume you are being funny. In case you are not, you should check out the beer selections at Hy-vee, always pretty good and I bet the tasting will have some great beers.

Anonymous said...

Hmmm. Maybe I can get Richard to comment on the post, so I can satisfy my curiosity too.

Tom said...

Stoneybrook Hy-vee is my go to beer retailer. I didn't mean to imply that their selection or skill is limited. I just didn't read craft brews into the post and too "domestic beer" to it's stereotypical extreme. What goes better with the stereotypical American meal than the beers I listed? ;-)

Given the 20 I listed; can you imagine the challenge? It would be like comparing ten varieties of spring water to ten varieties of purified water and trying to guess the brands. I'd put the winning over/under at 10 of 20.

I did find it surprising that 20 was about my limit of off the top of my head stereotypical domestics. I had Miller High Life Light, but scrapped it for MGD 64. Didn't include Steel Reserve or any of the 40oz brands. Any big ones that i missed?

Thanks everyone for the discussion!

Richard Stueven said...

I was going to post a tentative beer list here, but Tom isn't far off the mark. There won't be any flavored beers, so Miller Chill and Bud Light Lime are out.

We may or may not include the low-calorie "beers" like MGD 64.

The Big Three light beers will definitely be included.

There will likely be no more than 15 beers, not the "20+" mentioned in the email.

Here's the format: We'll give you a list of the names of the beers that we'll be pouring. We'll present them one at a time, identified by the letters A-O, and you will a) rate the beer on a scale of 1-4, and b) write the beer's identifying letter next to the name of the beer.

> I'd put the winning over/under at 10 of 20.

KJ held a similar event at the Council Bluffs Hy-Vee a couple years ago. The winner correctly identified four out of 15 beers. I personally only got one right.

Tom said...

Richard, Thanks for the reply. 4 of 15 WOW!
My 10/20 was assuming the winner would get the flavored ones correct. But even with that it appears I may be overly optimistic.

For users this would be a great opportunity to knock off a slew of domestics without subjecting your taste buds to full 12oz servings.