Monday, February 13, 2012

We have a YouTube Channel! Check it out!

This will be a short post as I have some work to catch up on after a few days of Omaha Beer Week. We plan to have some recaps of what we saw and thought, as well as some big news about the blog coming out soon.

First things first though, we launched a youtube channel last night and uploaded our first video from the Lagunitas Beer Dinner last Friday. We are far from video and editing geniuses but we hope you enjoy the content as we get it out. The beer dinner, while 10 minutes long, has some great stories from Lagunitas as well as when they plan on arriving so take the time to watch it. So here is our link to our site.

We have a lot of editing to do and I promise I will get to work on that as my life allows. We have a spot that will show our vertical tasting of Melange a Trios with Nebraska Brewing Company. We also have several interviews from various brewers and homebrewers during Extreme Beer Fest that we will get together.

We hope for this to be just another channel for you Nebraska Beer fans to get your information in case you can't make it there yourself.

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