Thursday, August 30, 2007

Michael Jackson Passes away.

In one of the many blogs I watch I just saw that famed Beer Historian and all around beer know it all passed away. Here is the excerpt from the blog.
I just got word from a friend and colleague that Michael Jackson passed away yesterday in his home. He got the word from Roger Protz, a beer writer in England, that he had been found in his tub. I have no details at this time but will update this when I can find out more information. This is very sad day for the beer world. Michael was larger than life and his influence cannot be overestimated. To say he will be missed seems a great understatement.
BTW the blog is, great blog! Sad day in the beer world though.


Nimz said...

Damn =(

Nate B. said...

Another posting, this hasn't made major news networks yet.

Thunderhead said...

That sucks. I would have loved to have met the guy. I saw him speak a couple of years ago. He realy had a great passion for American craft beer.

Segnid said...

There are a lot of things in the works to commemorate MJ. One being a national (and possibly international, I guess) toast on Sept. 22 (tentative). Bars will participate by having toasts, many will likely have special nights in MJ's honor I suppose.

I never met Michael, but know many who were his friends. People are very devastated by his passing. Those that knew him well are not sighting his accomplishments as a beer writer as what they will miss.

There are other ideas being discussed to commemorate Michael, some of which could be pretty interesting for us beer drinkers. Those will be aways off, however, if they come to fruition at all.
