Friday, August 31, 2007

River City Roundup

If you are a homebrewer this might interest you.

Fellow Homebrewers,

The 2007 River City Roundup Homebrew Competition in Omaha Nebraska is fast approaching. We hope
this year is as aMaizing as last year, but we need your support. All BJCP categories of beer and
mead will be accepted. Also back are the Bullshooter'
s Cup and the Cornhusker Cup. Entries will
be accepted from August 27th thru September 8th at our gracious host the Upstream Brewing Company.
Hand delivered entries will be accepted September 8th from 9:00 am to noon. Please check the
website for more details at:

For brewers in and around Lincoln, Kirk will be accepting drop offs at his store. I will be
picking them up in Lincoln on Saturday morning, September 8th. Thank you Kirk.

Once again we're proud to be the fifth leg of the High Plains Brewer of the Year, see:

1 comment:

Nate B. said...

Any word on how this went? Post some details!!