So what is a
Cicerone you ask, it is the term coined by Ray Daniels that is what most would consider a Beer Sommelier. He choose Cicerone to take beer on a different path from the wine industry and try to create our own identity. I like the idea. He has/is creating a certification program to become a Cicerone. This is a great step for beer education and I hope it takes off. If it is either free or cheap I might look into doing it, if for no other reason than my education and to help educate others about the virtues of beer.
Check out his website and see what you think. There will be 5 focus areas.
Beer Storage, Sales and Service
Beer Styles and Culture
Beer Tasting and Flavors
Brewing Ingredients and Processes
Pairing Beer with Food
And 3 levels of certification.
1. Certified Beer Server
2. Certified Cicerone
3. Master Cicerone
What are all your thoughts on this, beer education is high on my list as you all know. :-)
This is a fantastic idea IMHO if it can get off the ground. Imagine going to a bar where all the bartenders are certified beer servers. Your pints would always be served in perfect condition. Unfortunately there are few people who care about beer as much as we do!!!
I think it is a great idea and hope it catches on. I too would be interested in becoming certified in some way.
As per CJ, I think an unfortunate reality of living here in NE is there are even fewer people here that will care.
That said, it's up to us (beer enthuisiasts) to spread the word and help develop and encourage "beerducation" in our area.
Think BeerGlobally, Act BeerLocally.
It will definitely struggle to take off but I think beer is really starting to get a foot hold nationally. You are starting to see more and more educated articles in major newspapers. It is still no where near wine but progress is great. It looks like you can start the process for about $50 I think. To progress through the steps though, your really need to work everyday in the industry somehow. It still looks like BJCP is the best for us.
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