Wednesday, September 12, 2007

The Next Session

Alright, so I warned all of you a few weeks back that we would be participating in this. I know we have a great crew of talented beer connoisseurs on board here and even some that can write well, that list doesn't include me.

Next month's session is being hosted by Beer Haiku Daily. The theme for the October 5th Session is "Brew and Food." This is what the host envisions this to be about.

I am looking for posts about pairing beer with food or using beer as an ingredient in food. I hope to see recipes, pictures, tasting notes, stories, menus, reviews or anything else that fits the bill of fare. Whether you write about which beer goes best with chili dogs or give your family’s secret recipe for vegan stout stew or post pictures of those ale braised lamb shanks you had last week, I want to know every mouth watering detail.

This sounds like a good one to start off with. So, I am looking for a few of you to write your best blog post regarding these critieria and then we will decide on the winner and post that on the 5th.

Do your best to pick a Nebraska brew but if not a Nebraska brew then at least something Nebraska about the meal, be it where it is served or what it is. Have fun with this and make it entertaining as well as informative.

You have your task, now go out do some research and report back, Oh that dreaded "beer" research. Ha!

Just a quick over view of what this is all about, go to this blog and learn all you need to know about The Session.


CJ said...


I am planning a review using one of Trevor's beers and also a local eatery. But I can't garuntee anything as of this moment. I am VERY busy lately with school, work, and family.

Peace out

Nate B. said...

Great! I know you are busy and if you don't get it done that is fine. I plan on getting some Smoked Bock from Trevor and pairing it with some Ribs or Chicken off my smoker. I thought that sounded like a perfect match. I just need to get to Kearney to get some. Trevor, do I get a free growler. LOL!