Thursday, November 13, 2008

Thunderhead Brewing to start canning.

I just got confirmation from Trevor that Thunderhead is in fact going to start canning hopefully in December. The last hurdle is the label/can approval from Tax and Trade. He is going to start canning Golden Frau Honey Wheat in six pack 12oz cans and they should be on the shelves in January he hopes. Any plans for future beers of his in cans will be a year out.

I for one love this and I am so excited we are having so many Nebraska breweries beginning to sell their beers in stores whether that will be in bottles or cans. For the longest time we could only get Empyrean and now we will have close to a half dozen breweries selling their beers in stores. Cans make it even better in my book because now I don't have to drink bud light on river trips and they are easier to sneak onto golf courses too.

Congrats to all the breweries out there moving to bottling or canning. It is a great step!


nickspies said...

Great news! Although, I will probably wait for an IPA or ESB to come out.

Maybe one day Lucky Bucket and Empyrean will follow suit.

Nate B. said...

While not my favorite, having it as an option will be great for the reasons I mentioned. I will be excited for his scottish as well. As for Lucky Bucket, probably not since he just got a bottling line.