Some of you may have seen this last week but if not I wanted to bring it to your attention. State Senator Kent Rogert has introduced bill LB478 that will allow drinking alcohol in State Parks again. Alcohol was banned back in 1995 after a number of accidents, specifically at Lake McConaughy. I attended one of those events at the Big Mac in 1994, I believe, and at least one person was killed from getting run over and another was stabbed. It was unbelievable what was going on there for the 4th of July.
Anyway, the legislature banned all alcohol from State controlled recreation areas at that time until present. I have always thought that this ban was a little harsh for the problems that occurred at one location but that is sometimes how government reacts when the right people make a stink.
Well, now that significant time has passed and our State Parks are seeing declining attendance a Senator has proposed a smart bill. My family has a cabin at Calamus and being able to have a beer or two while fishing would be wonderful. What we don't want to have happen is a bunch of drunk boaters all over injuring themselves and others. This bill will need to have stricter enforcement of drunk boating, for instance, but I really think that it would increase the use of our parks.
I know that the homebrewing clubs would love to see this pass as they have events at State Parks that they have to be sneaky with. The banning of alcohol just harms those that partake responsibly and did next to nothing for those that will abuse it.
So if you would like to head to the lake or state park and enjoy a bottle of Lucky Bucket, soon to be released cans of Thunderhead Honey Wheat or some of your homebrew, contact your state senator and help get this bill moved along.
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