Friday, August 31, 2012

Boulevard Tap Takeover at Library Pub

I missed this yesterday (no excuses, but I do have a 6 week old at home right now, you understand... right?), but fortunately it is going on through tomorrow so hopefully it's not too late. Library Pub is having a Boulevard Smokestack Series Tap Takeover through September 1st.

Here's what's happening:
Join us Thursday August 30th through Saturday September 1st for a Boulevard Smokestack Series Tap Takeover. We'll have 5 excellent Smokestack brews on tap, visits from brewery and distributor reps, glassware and other swag to hand out! Here's what will be on tap:
Collaboration #3 Stingo  
Saison Brett
Reverb Imperial Pilsener 
Tank 7 
Double Wide IPA

Join us for all the fun!

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