Thursday, August 30, 2012

Jake's Friday Tapping's: Lincoln & Omaha- Odell 'Deconstruction'

LINCOLN & OMAHA JAKE'S (8/31): This Friday both Jake's are sharing another awesome tapping party with Odell 'Deconstruction Golden Ale', a masterpiece of blending, wild fermentation & barrel aging.  We are just a touch stoked about this one!

"A method of brewing based on identifying first principals and making pronounced through pilot brewing the desired elements that contribute to the overall flavor.

A Golden Ale created by blending the final recipe with its own barrel aged pilot beers fermented with wild yeasts and lacto. Each individual barrel contributes a unique flavor from the wood chosen and the cultures resident to achieve the subtle complexities that develop(ed) over time.

A beer which starts sweet, filling the mouth with fruit-like esters and mild spiciness, changing to a tart and lingering flavor reminiscent of apples and grapefruit living amidst an earthy, citrusy hop aroma.

42% aged in wine barrels 58% Ale"

5:00 pm Jake's Lincoln (14th & P St.)
5:00 pm Jake's Omaha (62nd & Maple)

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